Raspberry Pi Zero case with BNC connector

This case mounts a Raspberry Pi Zero along with a BNC connector.


  1. There is a cutout for connecting wires to the pins for the power pins on the header.
  2. The board mounts with a friction fit on the posts.
  3. You must solder the wiring on the BNC connector center pin at a right angle as shown in the picture, in order to clear the board
  4. M3 screws are used to hold the cover on


This work is available for download in the ZIP file format under the terms of the "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license.

 rpi_zero_case_with_bnc.zip 53.1 kB

OpenSCAD files and STL files

STL Preview



Copyright Eric Urban 2020, or the respective entity where indicated